Contact Us
In the first instance please telephone Clive Bishop, Principal Consultant on 01275 340232 for more information on the services offered.
For specific enquiries regarding sectors of the groups activities, please use the appropriate email address below or fill in the response form shown below.
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Mail Address:
Blue Skies Consultancy Group,
P.O. Box 209,
BS21 5WB. United Kingdom.
“ This testimonial is given relating to a marketing overview assignment that Mr. Clive Bishop and his team at Blue Skies Consultancy Group carried out in November 2013 on behalf of this Ministry with the Minister and the board executives of the Jordan Tourism Board here in Amman. This was both onsite in the offices in Amman and remotely from the UK office of Blue Skies Consultancy Group.
The purpose of the assignment was to evaluate, interpret and provide technical experience and knowledge to all concerned regarding the marketing activities of Jordan and to offer alternative and additional options for opening up niche markets and new areas of potential development in the country.
Areas that were discussed and subsequently actioned included but not limited to community based tourism, activity based options, expansion of rural / non classical circuit tourism development, cultural and heritage and culinary tourism. This was aimed at both the B2B and B2C sectors in our major markets - Europe, GCC and North America. These activities were aimed at and have been developed by the JTB and / or its representatives overseas since the contract.
I, as the person who arranged the contract on behalf of the Minister can confirm that the assignment was focused, relevant and productive and would recommend Blue Skies Consultancy Group and / or Mr. Clive Bishop to any organization or Ministry that needs assistance with development of their destination marketing and other related issues - product development, branding, market knowledge and access.
Euro-Med Projects Manager
Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
”Review of Tourism Marketing and Actions - Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Jordan